Sentsore infragorrien garapen joera
Sentsore infragorrien garapen joera
1. Material berriak eta prozesatzeko teknologia garatzea:
Material berriekin eta prozesatzeko teknologiarekin, pirroelektrikoaren infragorrien detekzio tasainfragorri sentsoreahanditzen da, erantzunaren uhin-luzera handitzen da, erantzun-denbora laburtzen da, pixelen sentsibilitatea eta pixelen dentsitatea handiagoak dira, interferentziak handiak dira eta produkzio kostua murrizten da. PYREOS eta IRISYS bezalako konpainiek film sentikorrak eta zeramika nahasten dituzten teknologia sentikor piroelektriko mota berri bat aurkeztu dute, osagai sentikorren multzoa ahalbidetzen duena.
2. Large-scale and multi-functional pyroelectric infragorri sentsorea:
Mikroelektronikaren teknologiaren garapenarekin eta sentsoreen aplikazio eremua etengabe hedatuz, piroelektrikoainfragorri sentsoreasfuntzio txiki eta bakarrekoak, eskala handiko eta funtzio anitzekoak garatzen ari dira.
Eskala handikoainfragorri sentsorea (16*16 to 64*64 pixels) developed by famous foreign countries can not only measure the temperature field, but also obtain the advanced human detection function that the small infragorri sentsorea does not have (that can accurately locate the individual in the space The location in the middle, that is, people are not active, can also be identified) or security monitoring in large areas, which is very suitable for applications in home automation, medical care, security protection and other occasions. In addition, the development of a new multi-spectral sensor has greatly improved the functionality of the infrared imaging array.
3. Sentsorearen adimena:
The new type of intelligent pyroelectric infragorri sentsorea usually has multiple microprocessors built in, with Fourier transform, wavelet transform and other advanced digital signal processing or compensation functions, self-diagnosis function, two-way digital communication and other functions, making the sensor stable and reliable Performance, such as performance, signal-to-noise ratio, and convenience are greatly improved.
1. Material berriak eta prozesatzeko teknologia garatzea:
Material berriekin eta prozesatzeko teknologiarekin, pirroelektrikoaren infragorrien detekzio tasainfragorri sentsoreahanditzen da, erantzunaren uhin-luzera handitzen da, erantzun-denbora laburtzen da, pixelen sentsibilitatea eta pixelen dentsitatea handiagoak dira, interferentziak handiak dira eta produkzio kostua murrizten da. PYREOS eta IRISYS bezalako konpainiek film sentikorrak eta zeramika nahasten dituzten teknologia sentikor piroelektriko mota berri bat aurkeztu dute, osagai sentikorren multzoa ahalbidetzen duena.
2. Large-scale and multi-functional pyroelectric infragorri sentsorea:
Mikroelektronikaren teknologiaren garapenarekin eta sentsoreen aplikazio eremua etengabe hedatuz, piroelektrikoainfragorri sentsoreasfuntzio txiki eta bakarrekoak, eskala handiko eta funtzio anitzekoak garatzen ari dira.
Eskala handikoainfragorri sentsorea (16*16 to 64*64 pixels) developed by famous foreign countries can not only measure the temperature field, but also obtain the advanced human detection function that the small infragorri sentsorea does not have (that can accurately locate the individual in the space The location in the middle, that is, people are not active, can also be identified) or security monitoring in large areas, which is very suitable for applications in home automation, medical care, security protection and other occasions. In addition, the development of a new multi-spectral sensor has greatly improved the functionality of the infrared imaging array.
3. Sentsorearen adimena:
The new type of intelligent pyroelectric infragorri sentsorea usually has multiple microprocessors built in, with Fourier transform, wavelet transform and other advanced digital signal processing or compensation functions, self-diagnosis function, two-way digital communication and other functions, making the sensor stable and reliable Performance, such as performance, signal-to-noise ratio, and convenience are greatly improved.